Our Business Plan |

In a global and competitive business environment, it is imperative for countries all over the world to remain competitive and develop the necessary structures that will attract investors and tourists to its doors. In view of this, the citizens of those countries will have to seize the opportunity to be the business pioneers and provide the entrepreneurship necessary to accomplish that goal.

In response to this challenge, PAC Group, Inc. (PAC) was conceived to be a conglomerate group of businesses engaged in various businesses in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the US and Ghanaian economy and the world at large.  The business will expand to all sectors of the Ghanaian economy and to the world with investors all over the world.

Primary Sector:

PAC will focus on all agricultural, forestry, fishing and hunting practices, and will operate farms in all the regions of Ghana and parts of the world on large parcels of lands ranging from 10 to over 20,000 acres depending on the location of the land. PAC will engage in the following:

  • Crop farming such as maize (corn), millet, sorghum, beans, cow peas, soybeans, rice, peanut, cassava, yam, coco-yam, plantain, potato, and other crops
  • Tree plantation such as: teak and timber plantation and fruit trees such as mango, pawpaw, cashew, citrus fruits, avocado pear, apple, coconut, guava, banana, and other fruit trees.
  • Vegetables such as tomatoes, pepper, garden eggs, onions, okra, carrot, cucumber and other vegetables.
  • Fish farming including tilapia, catfish, and other common types of fish
  • Livestock farming including domestic animals such as: cattle, goat, sheep, pig, guinea pig, rabbit, etc and its related dairy products where applicable; birds such as chicken, guinea fowl, duck, goose, peacock, turkey, ostrich, pigeon, etc and its related eggs where applicable.
  • Other primary sector activities include: harvesting timber; harvesting fish in the ocean or other water bodies; hunting; beekeeping and other animals from a farm, ranch, or their natural habitats.

Secondary Sector:

PAC will engage in manufacturing and processing of agricultural products for both domestic and international consumption. PAC will also engage in the construction of real estate properties and undertake other manufacturing and processing practices using modern equipment and operate in all regions of Ghana and parts of the world. PAC will engage in the following:

  • Manufacturing and Processing: PAC will process various agricultural products such as grains and tubers into flour and flour related products. We will process vegetable and fruits into drinks and other products into canned products as the market condition demands. We will also process meat, fish, eggs and dairy products as needed using various processing activities including dryer, broiling, salting, cooking, freshly packaged products and others.
  • Construction: PAC will engage in various construction activities including residential and commercial real estate for our tertiary sector businesses in two main categories, namely: filling station and/or stores; and the tripod concept:
    • Filling/Gas Station/Stores: These will be the construction of standalone businesses in all regions of Ghana and parts of the world. It will be a filling/gas station with about 4 to 10 pumps and a chain of about 10 to over 20 stores located on an average of 5 acres land. The stores will house most of our tertiary businesses. The side of the chain stores will have an entry and exit point to the back of the chain stores which will have a restaurant, swimming pool, entertainment center and a guest house with landscaping over all the land.
    • Tripod Business Concept: This will be the construction of a conglomerate of various aspects of our tertiary sector businesses that will seat on a large parcel of land of between 500 to over 20,000 acres of land in various regions of Ghana and parts of the world. The tripod concept will house a super mall, super theme park, and a university/convention center. PAC will team up with our business trading partners to build the malls, the theme park and the university.

Super Mall: The mall will start of as one of the filing station and stores and will grow to be one of the largest malls in the world.

Theme Park: The theme park will eventually have similar concept as Disney Land but will start of as a small water park and rides and graduate to a super theme park through partnership with various trading partners.

University/Convention Center: The university and convention center will start of as a small guest room on the farm and graduate to a 3 to 4 star hotel and eventually to a world class university with a convention center through various partnerships with our business trading partners. The convention center will be one of the largest in the world to hold seminars and conferences for people all over the world. The convention center will be a dome in the middle of the university and will match world class equals. The various buildings to be erected around the university and convention center will include: various faculties and departments; hostels and dormitories; stadium; hotels; apartment complexes; condominiums and various other structures and edifies. PAC will also have farm lands, golf courses and other landscaping architecture design to bring in serenity to the university and convention center and reduce traffic from the adjacent super mall and theme park of the tripod concept.  

Tertiary Sector:

PAC will engage in several business ventures including: wholesaling and retailing; transportation and distribution; equipment rental; hospitality, tourism, education and cultural; consulting and financial services in all regions of Ghana and parts of the world. PAC will engage in the following:

  • Wholesale and Retailing: PAC will engage in buying and selling of various products through our stores and malls but mostly through our filling station stores. These will include one or more stores engaged in buying and selling general items, pharmaceutical products, building materials, electrical items; boutique, cosmetic items and other retail and wholesale items. The filling station will also have a car washing bay, auto mechanic shop and vulcanizing.
  • Distribution and Transportation: PAC will engage in various distribution and transportation services. This will include hauling goods from one location to another through our vans, trucks, tractors, trailers, tipper trucks and our heavy duty earth moving equipment for our various entities and clients or business trading partners.
  • Equipment Rentals: PAC will engage in various equipment rentals ranging from small tools to earth moving equipment at our stores. Small tools and equipment includes construction tools such as wheel barrows, shovels, pickax, augers, water tanks, water pumps, generators, lathers, tents, chairs, and other small tools and equipment. Heavy equipment rental include farming items like tractors, cultivators/tillers, planters, sprayers, combine harvesters, and storage facilities. Other rentals include trailers, tipper truck, bull dozers and other earth moving equipment.
  • Hospitality, Tourism, Education Services: PAC hospitality, tourism and education services will be the epitome of the tripod business concept. It will start of a small resort where prospective guess will come in for farm tour and relaxation and receive various services including sporting activities, group tour to historic places, camping, overnight stay and a host of other services. These will operate through our Paradise Garden Resort brand name and eventually fold under our tripod business concept. The tripod concept will house a super mall, super theme park, and a university. PAC will team up with our business trading partners to build the malls, the theme park and the university on 500 to 20,000 acres of land depending on the location.
    • Mall: The mall will start of as one of the filing stations and stores and will grow to be one of the largest malls in the world. The mall will sell goods and services under our existing stores and partner with other leading merchants to operate the malls.

Theme Park: The theme park will eventually have similar concept as Disney Land in California and Disney World in Florida but will start of as a small water park and rides and graduate to a super theme park through partnership with various trading partners. It will be one of the largest theme park and entertainment centers of the world and will cater for all groups of people.

University/Convention Center: The university and convention center will start of as a small guest room on the farm and graduate to a small hotel with conference facilities, play ground and swimming pool and will host several events and activities all year long. The center will eventually grow to become a world class university with a convention center through various partnerships with our business trading partners. The convention center will be one of the largest in the world to hold seminars and conferences for people all over the world. The convention center will be a large dome in the middle of the university and will match world class equals. The university will provide academic disciplines in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, formal sciences, applied sciences and all other academic disciplines including business, law etc and offer certificates and various degrees up to the doctorate level. 

  • Miscellaneous Services: PAC will also engage in various services not otherwise listed if it is in line with its core mission and makes business sense.
  • Consulting and Financial Services: PAC will provide various consulting and financial services including: micro financing and banking services; public accounting engaged in auditing, accounting and tax services; general business consulting; and any other services consistent with the vision and mission of PAC. PAC will provide these services through its subsidiaries.